Stained Glass Window Project
We are trying to find a photo of each of the past members of Lutheran Chapel that have a stained-glass window in their honor/memory. We know there are still family members from many of these folks and we would love to add a page to our website with the dedication and the photo. The individual dedications are below. If you have a connection to a picture of the past member/spouse mentioned in the dedication, please let Cindy Deal borrow it. She will photograph it and return your photo to you. Even if the person is in a group, we'd like to have it. Just indicate which one is the person for the window. You can put them in an envelope and place in her box or give to Jackie Kimball at the church office. This would be a great addition to our history room and our web page. Cindy’s maternal great grandparents, Eri Riley and Jane Corriher Blackwelder are on one of the windows and she has added a portrait of them to the history room. Any help with this project would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

In Memory of
Colin F. Miller 1873-1938
Clara Miller

In Memory of
J. B. Speck and Family

In Memory of
Mr. and Mrs. N. V. B. Winecoff
By Children

A. D. Sechler
Aug. 31, 1850-Jan. 8, 1937
J. C. Sechler
Oct. 29, 1851-Jan. 8, 1936

In Memory of
R. A. Bostian
By Family

In Memory of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patterson
By Children

In Memory of
Dovie Daugherty Correll
By Daugherty Children

In Memory of
Mrs. M. S. E. Bostian 1856-1935
And Mr. W. D. Bostian
Maternal Great-Grandparents of Joanne Johnson

E. R. Blackwelder 1825-1914
Jane C. Blackwelder 1840-1906
Maternal Great-Grandparents of Cindy Deal

To the Memory of
Sallie and Moses Linn
By Children

J. A Blackwelder 1874-
Maggie L. Blackwelder 1881

In Honor of
C. W. Kimball, Wife
And Children